Pat Hobaugh's Counter Culture

Paintings by Pat Hobaugh

On Friday, August 9th, 2019, Canyon Road Contemporary Art, 622 Canyon Road in Santa Fe, will present a show featuring the thoughtful, comical paintings of Pat Hobaugh. Reception will be from 5:00 - 7:00 PM; the exhibition will continue through August 18th.

                  Pat Hobaugh, an art professor at Georgia State University, paints contemporary still lifes on the nature of society in the world today. Inspired by the way we learn about forgotten cultures through found objects such as tools, toys, and ornaments, Pat wonders what the bric-a-brac of modern life says about us as a culture. Each still life demands that the viewer take a moment to consider the state of society, and their place in it.

This new collection focuses in on some pressing questions of our time, including how the new generation will overtake the old, what that will look like, and how  ways of thinking which were once new and exciting become old and faded. These questions appear in the field of art, with his examination of the pop art movement, in environmentalism, in entertainment, in politics: the question of how we will turn the world over to our children, and whether they will accept it,  comes up over and over. In some way, it is the only question.

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